Exhortation Text: Matt 13:1-9, 18-23; 12:29; Josh 3:17
Praying for the newly saved and all those that visited & went back
- Let’s start by thanking God for all the people that he brought to our meetings from the very first day we started.
- Let’s ask Him for forgiveness because we have not followed these ones the way we ought to have done and because of one reason or the other, they have not come back again.
- Ask the Lord to locate them wherever they are and by His Spirit, bring them back.
- Now bring all of them before the Lord and pray that God will grant them a quick understanding of the word that is being preached during our meetings.
- Ask that the Lord will establish them firmly in righteousness and holiness and there will be a hunger and desire to serve the Lord, Isaiah 2:2-3 and that nothing will be more important in their lives than seeking after God through Jesus Christ.
- Bind every strong man that is contending with their lives Matthew 12:29 or whatever that the enemy is throwing at them in form of: misunderstanding of the word of God and confusion, no strength to stand during tribulation, trials & temptation and persecution, cares of the things of this world (chasing after jobs), worries and deceitfulness of riches, ancestral worship and all manner of things flowing from the family – Rev 5:9. Command a release of these ones to go and serve the Lord (Untie them) – Exodus 5:1; 7:6; 8:1&20; 9:1&13; Matthew 21:2-3; Mark 11:2-4; Luke 19:30-33.
NB: Inconsistency is one of the wiles / tricks that the enemy has deployed against people in these last days.
- Pray for consistency and that they will begin to bear fruits and enjoy the benefits of serving the Lord.
- Pray also that they will begin to fear the Lord and also come to the understanding of the difference between their previous and present lives after they received Jesus Christ.
Praying for the church building project – Nehemiah 6:15
- Pray that the Lord will grant us His speed, swiftness and favor in this building project. Ask Him also to stir up the people to contribute their resources.
- Pray against every form of delay and distraction from the enemy.
- We were told that we can only build 40% of the land, and that we cannot put a temporary tent, not even speed bumps. Ask for the Lord’s intervention even as I meet with a lady from JHB municipality.
- Pray that the Lord will provide all the finance that we need.
- Declare that no one will be hurt, no property stolen, and no violence to any member of CJM when we move into this new site.