Prayer Points 16 Sep 09

ppExhortation Text: 1 Chronicles 12:32; Esther 1:13; Amos 8:11; John 9:4;
Rom 13:11-12; Eph 5:15-16; Col 4:5; Rev 10:5-6

  • Thank God again because of the opportunity He has granted you to serve Him.
  • Give Him thanks and praise because you are privileged to be alive in these times – times of the end.
  • Ask God to grant you wisdom and understanding of the times we are living in, to know what you have to do with the time that God has given to you because the word of God says, “You will give account before God of everything you have done with the time He has given to you.” – Luke 16:2 & Rom 14:12.

NB: These are the last days, and the word of God is very scarce now. Therefore pray and ask God that in your life and in Closer to Jesus Ministries, you (we) will not experience the scarcity or famine of the word of God. See also – 1 Sam 3:1 & Ps 74:9.

  • Pray and ask God for an open vision both for yourself and the church that you will not move or shoot aimlessly. What are you called to be? The word of God says, “You shall receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you shall be….” Acts 1:8.
  • Ask God to help you identify and commit to doing the work that you have been called to do because the time is very short and the work is very great, so that at the end, you can boldly say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the assignment…” – 2 Tim 4:7-8
  • Pray with commitment to God that you will awake out of sleep (spiritual slumber, neither cold nor hot, insensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit & not knowing what God’s agenda is) because the night is far spent (the present evil times) and the day (time of Jesus’ return) is at hand.
  • Covenant with the Spirit of God that you will cast off all the works of darkness and that you will begin to put on the armour of Light. See also – Eph 4:21-24 & Col 3:12.
  • Now ask the Lord to help you to redeem the time (to make use of every opportunity that comes to you) to serve Him. Ask Him to grant you a sense of urgency because the days are few and difficult and also to ensure that you keep God’s high standard of holiness and righteousness in your life and in Closer to Jesus ministries.
  • Pray for our Sunday meeting – that God will manifest His power, person and purpose in the life of people. People will not come and go back the same. Insist that there must be an encounter with God.
  • Ask God again to release the financial resources that we need to build the place of worship. Insist that we will not be delayed in moving into this property at the right time.
  • Give Him praise again for answered prayers.

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