Various Prayer Points 6 January 2010

Date:                                      06-01-2010

Exhortation Text:                  Luke 18:1-8; Eph 6:12-18; Phil 4:6 & 1 Thessalonians 5:17

  1. 1. Thanksgiving
  • Give Him praise for yet another day He has made, for keeping you alive this day.
  • Thank Him again for bringing us together again and for journey mercies for all those who travelled.
  • Thank Him again for bringing you to the end of the first week of Jan 2010. He is our Ebenezer.
  • Give Him praise for His manifold blessing, provision, protection, divine health etc.
  • Thank Him because He is your God – Psalm 33:12. Blessed and joyful are you because He is your God.
  • Thank Him again for this nation of South Africa and all the other countries in Africa.
  • Thank Him for His church in this land. For the gates of hell cannot and will not prevail against His church.


  1. 2. Prayer points – for yourself, the church and the nation
  • Isaiah 56:7; Col 4:2 – Pray again that the Holy Spirit shall indeed make us men and women of prayer, Christians who experience the grace and power of God through prayer. Men who influence their world and gain victory over kingdom of darkness through prayer. Ask Him to make you a strong Christian on your knees.
  • Isaiah 41:15 – Ask the Lord to make you a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth this year. Ask Him to make you His battle axe to execute righteousness and justice. Ask Him to use you and His church to accomplish what He said in Isaiah 42:6-7.
  • Isaiah 42:16 – Ask Him to give you the grace and direction for what He expects from you as an individual in 2010. Ask Him to lead you by the pillar of cloud by day – Num 9:15-23.
  • Psalm 32:8 – Ask Him to give us the grace and direction for what He expects from us as a church in 2010. Ask the Lord to give us the necessary connections that we need and also to provide the finance that we need for all the projects for this year.
  • Pray that He will strengthen us Isaiah 40:29-31 and direct us to His will during and after the 7 days fast.
  • Col 4:3 – Ask the Lord to grant more open doors to the churches that will enhance the progress of His kingdom in this country.
  • Isaiah 43:4 – Ask Him to send committed and consistent men and women to this church that will help us to carry out the assignment for the sake of the kingdom.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 & Col 1:9-10 – Obedience to God’s word is fundamental to effective prayer, and there is no substitute to obedience. Ask the Lord to fill His children with the knowledge of His will and enable everyone to live a life that is pleasing to Him in all things. Pray that God’s desire and purpose will become predominant in our prayer lives. Our prayers shall truly be for the extension of His kingdom on earth.
  • Isaiah 33:22Pray that the light of the glorious gospel will shine in this nation, through to all the various sectors, the judiciary, the legislature, the presidency, government departments, provincial levels, municipal levels etc.
  • Pray that God will raise men like John the Baptist in these departments and levels (mentioned above) to cry out for the ways of righteousness and Godly precepts in this land.
  • Pray that God will raise pastors in our churches like John the Baptist, Daniels, etc who will voice out John 1:23 the total counsel of God through the television, radio programs and newspapers.
  • Pray for Sunday’s service. Ask Him to harvest all the praise in our service.
  • Ask Him to speak to every heart – the unsaved, the discouraged, the hopeless, the sick etc.
  • Give Him praise and thanks for answered prayers.

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