Laying Aside Every Weight

bsText: Heb 12:1-3; Col 3:8 & Gen 13:1-18

Christianity has been likened to a race. It is neither a hundred-meter dash nor four hundred meter. Christians are equally likened to an athlete. In a race there is a starting point and a finishing point. However, in Christian living, there is also starting and finishing point. Starting point is when you first got born again or accepted Christ as your personal Savior while the finishing point is when you get to heaven or when you see Christ face to face. The race we are into is not a short race. In every race, prizes are won by those who excel.

Christianity and challenges
Christianity is NOT a flowery bed of roses. There are problems, challenges, trials, persecution and hardship to be faced with but Christ will always be there if only we can recognize Him.
Job 14:1 says, “Man that is born of a woman is of a few days, and full of trouble”. You cannot exonerate yourself from the challenges of this life. Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world – John 16:33”. As believers, whatever we may be going through, we still have someone whom we can call upon and who will answer us. This differentiates us from the unbeliever. Psalm 34:19 says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all”. That is, there are challenges you’re faced with but in all God will deliver you. He will not allow those problems to overwhelm you –
1 Corinthians 10:13; Isaiah 43:2

In this race, it is not starting that matters but finishing strong. Ecclesiastes 7:8 says, “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning there of.” God expects us to finish everything we have started.
And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God – Luke 9:62

Though, there are lots of difficulties and challenges on our way, we don’t have to quit or give up. We need to deal with these challenges wisely. When Christ was on earth, He was also faced with a lot of them but yet He overcame – Heb 5:7-8. The Bible says, “He endured the cross for the purpose of the joy that is set before Him – Heb 12:2.

However, we need to also watch our starting point (foundation, motives) in other to finish well – Psalm 11:3. We need to start everything right by developing a strong relationship with Christ. For no other foundation can any man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 3:11. When you make Jesus the Lord of your life, you will surely stand when challenges and trials come. Jesus said ‘Whoever hear these sayings of mine and does them, he shall be likened to a wise man who builds his house on a rock, the wind blows and storm comes but it is still standing” – Matt 7:24-27.

In addition, apart from starting, there is need for continuity. Jesus said, “He that endures till end shall be saved” – Matt 10:22.
John 8:31, Jesus said, “You are my disciple indeed if you continue in my word”. Between starting point and finishing point, there are challenges to be encountered but they must be endured. These challenges can be likened to weight that tends to hinder our progress in life. This weight is to be laid aside.

What are we to lay aside?

  • Those sins that easily beset us – Heb 12:1; Gal 5:19-21; Col 3:8; 1 John 2:15-16 & Rev 21:8
  • Every weight – this could be in form of extra or additional / unnecessary burdens – Discuss them.

Reasons why we should lay aside every weight

  • In other for you not to be weighed down, slowed down, distracted or diverted. NB: This could lead to sin / backsliding.
  • Because we are surrounded by great cloud of witnesses – Heb 12:1. Please note that the witnesses are found in Heb 11:1-40.
  • So that we can make progress / move forward – James 1:3-4
  • So that we can run with patience and according to the rule of the race – 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

What is this weight?
Internally, it means a bulk or something massive. Spiritually it means impediment, something that weighs you down. A weight can include worry – Matt 6:25-34, anxiety – Phil 4:6; fear – Isaiah 41:14; 43:1 & 2 Tim 1:7. NB: God has provided us with 366 ‘fear not’ in the bible.

Examples of people that carried weights:
Abraham – Gen 13; David, Sampson

What is sin that easily beset us?

  • It can be likened to sin that causes us to miss-out. See Gen 25:30-34; Heb 12:16-17
  • It can also mean the sin that entangle / ensnare us. See 34:1-2

8 things some Christians do instead of laying aside. Give examples of each.

  • Some people lay by it; they keep on storing the weight
  • Some people lay it down; no attempt to get rid of it
  • Some people lay about instead of laying aside; they are lazy about it
  • Some people lay it in; they were crept upon by weariness of life
  • Some people lay into it; they criticize everything
  • Some people lay it out; it talks about arranging the problem one after another.
  • Some people lay it up; it means to pile-up the problem
  • Some people lay it off; they pretend as if the problem is not there.

What does it means to lay aside?

  • It means exclude.
  • It means to get rid of.
  • It means to reject. That is, when you are faced with weariness or challenges of life, you never allow it to weight you down.
  • It also means to eliminate every problem and trouble.

How do you lay aside?

  • By looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith
  • By also considering Him.

You need to observe:

o His life & conduct
o Courage and suffering He went through because of you and I

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