Prayer Points 02 Sep 09

ppExhortation Text: Matt 5:14-16; John 8:12; Phil 4:8 & Col 3:1-2

1. Thanksgiving

  • Give Him praise and thanks again for bringing you to the end of the month of August.
  • Thank Him again for the gift of abundant life, health, provision and protection.
  • Thank Him because of the redemptive power in name and Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • Thank Him because the word says you are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers – Col 2:10.
  • Thank Him again for what He has done in you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who hath delivered us out of the powers of darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of Light – power, holiness, righteousness, eternal life, peace, joy, thanksgiving, purity, protection and provision – Col 1:12-13
  • Thank Him again because you and I have total redemption from untimely / physical death, eternal death, witchcraft, worldliness, rejection, abuse, disappointment, out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation etc, and forgiveness from sin and all the powers of the enemy through His precious Blood – Col 1:14.

2. Becoming the children of Light –

  • Pray and ask the Lord to put a hunger and desire in you to begin to seek and pursue after those things that are true, things that are honest, things that are just, lovely, good report, virtue and those things that will bring praise and glory to His name.
  • Ask for a humble and obedient heart to follow after Him. Ask God to give you the same spirit that was in David that made him to be addressed as “the man after God’s heart” – 1 Sam 13:14; Psalm 89:20 & Acts 13:22
  • Pray and ask God to help you begin to set your affection, your heart and priority on the things that are in heaven. That means that your attitude to the things of God, priorities, your speeches, relationship with people, friends you keep, time you spend on non spiritual value adding activities like TV and programs you watch has to change.

NB: If you are serious with the above prayers, then you are becoming a Light indeed.

  • Therefore pray and ask God to help you so that you will begin to shine as a Light to others so that God’s name will be glorified.

3. Enforcing your total Redemption and Victory in Christ – Rom 8:1-2; Col 2:9-10

  • Begin to enforce your total redemption and completeness in God through Jesus Christ.
  • Challenge every law from the pits of hell that is meant to intimidate you, reject or condemn you as a child of God.
  • Say, “Father I thank You because I am made righteous by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. I am accepted in the beloved, I am not condemned, my sins are forgiven, I am redeemed from judgment and my past is redeemed as well, my present makes sense and my future is secure in Christ Jesus”
  • Say, “I declare that I will no longer be held captive by my past because Jesus my Lord has indeed set me free; because He says my sins and iniquities He will remember no more. I also choose from today not to remember them again in the name of Jesus.”

4. Praying for Individual needs

  • Bring the needs of the members of the church before the Lord. Those who are not working. Ask the Lord to intervene in their situation.

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