Exhortation Text: Matt 5:14-16; John 8:12; Phil 4:8 & Col 3:1-2
1. Thanksgiving
- Give Him praise and thanks again for bringing you to the end of the month of August and into September.
- Thank Him again for the gift of abundant life, health, provision and protection.
- Thank Him because of the redemptive power in name and Blood of Jesus Christ.
- Thank Him because the word says you are complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers – Col 2:10.
- Thank Him again for what He has done in you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who hath delivered us out of the powers of darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of Light – power, holiness, righteousness, eternal life, peace, joy, thanksgiving, purity, protection and provision – Col 1:12-13
- Thank Him again because you and I have total redemption from untimely / physical death, eternal death, witchcraft, worldliness, rejection, abuse, disappointment, out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation etc, and forgiveness from sin and all the powers of the enemy through His precious Blood – Col 1:14.
2. Confession: 1 John 1:8-9
- Bring yourself under the blood of Jesus for cleansing and sanctification, from every contamination and pollution, from wrong things you have said or done or looked at during the course of the week.
- Rededicate your life unto the Lord; ask Him to be Lord and Master in all things and all area of your life.
- Ask the Lord again to search deeply within you – search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts. Ps. 139:23
3. Becoming the children of Light –
- Pray and ask the Lord to put a hunger and desire in you to begin to seek and pursue after those things that are true, things that are honest, things that are just, lovely, good report, virtue and those things that will bring praise and glory to His name.
- Ask for a humble and obedient heart to follow after Him. Ask God to give you the same spirit that was in David that made him to be addressed as “the man after God’s heart” – 1 Sam 13:14; Psalm 89:20 & Acts 13:22
- Pray and ask God to help you begin to set your affection, your heart and priority on the things that are in heaven. That means that your attitude to the things of God, priorities, your speeches, relationship with people, friends you keep, time you spend on non spiritual value adding activities like TV and programs you watch has to change.
NB: If you are serious with the above prayers, then you are becoming a Light indeed.
- Therefore pray and ask God to help you so that you will begin to shine as a Light to others so that God’s name will be glorified.
4. Praying from Rom 12:1-2:
- Ask God to give you the grace and strength to present your life, body and soul a living sacrifice to Him. That no matter what it takes, you will not compromise again.
- Pray against every presumptuous sin, that they will not get dominion over you – Psalm 19:13
- Pray that you will be completely separated for God unto holiness and righteousness.
- Pray that in all you do and no matter where you are, that people around you will see the righteousness and holiness of God.
- Deut 23:14 – Pray like this: O Lord, with the help of your Spirit, I shall not touch or look at or say or do anything unholy or sinful to scare your presence away from my life in the name of Jesus.
- Pray that you will no longer conform to the standard of the world (worldly languages, ego, achievements and behaviors etc)
- Gen 25:31 – Pray like this: In the name of Jesus, no matter what, I will not sell my birthright; I will not yield to the flesh like Esau because of the things that the world offers and its attraction.
- Pray that God will help you to be transformed by the renewing of you mind as you daily come in contact with His word. 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Acts 26:18 – Pray like this: O Lord Jesus, anoint my eyes with eye salve so that I can see the hidden truth in your word.
- Ps 27:1 O Lord, let your Light drive away every ungodly fear (of men, of tomorrow and what it holds, lack, sickness, failure etc) from me in the name of Jesus.
- Ps 34:10 & Jeremiah 29:13 Father I commit myself to seek you with my whole heart and all that is within me, therefore I shall not lack any good thing. All the good things of life shall pursue me and overtake me in the name of Jesus.
- Ps 40:2 In the name of Jesus, I am jumping out of every pit of (sin, bondage, satanic affliction, delays to my breakthrough, failure at the edge of breakthrough / near success syndrome, going round the circles, confusion etc). Thou O Lord have set my feet upon the Rock of Ages. So I shall not be moved by any circumstances, approval or disapproval of men.
Proverbs 2:1-5
- Cry unto God again for the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
- Ask God for a fresh zeal to seek after Him more than silver or gold – As the deer pants for water……
- God is a God that hides Himself – Deut 32:20; Job 13:24; Ps 13:1; 44:24; Isaiah 8:17; 45:15; 57:17 etc. Jeremiah 29:13 And ye shall seek me and find me when…
- Ask Him to help you or open your eyes again to know how to seek after Him – in consistent prayer, fasting / waiting on Him, giving / tithing, studying the word, consistency in church services etc.
5. Enforcing your total Redemption and Victory in Christ – Rom 8:1-2; Col 2:9-10
- Begin to enforce your total redemption and completeness in God through Jesus Christ.
- Challenge every law from the pits of hell that is meant to intimidate you, reject or condemn you as a child of God.
- Say, “Father I thank You because I am made righteous by the perfect sacrifice of Jesus. I am accepted in the beloved, I am not condemned, my sins are forgiven, I am redeemed from judgment and my past is redeemed as well, my present makes sense and my future is secure in Christ Jesus”
- Say, “I declare that I will no longer be held captive by my past because Jesus my Lord has indeed set me free; because He says my sins and iniquities He will remember no more. I also choose from today not to remember them again in the name of Jesus.”
- Declare that by reason of your union with Christ, your destiny (marriage, ministry, career etc) is resistant to failure, stagnation and destruction – Rom 8:31, I John 4:4. Pray that your destiny will agree with God’s word
- Confession: In the name of Jesus Christ, Let there be a realignment of circumstances, people, and situation to begin to favor me. Everything around me (circumstances, people, government, structures, laws etc) will begin to agree with God’s plan for my life.
6. Prayers for self: Dealing with stumbling blocks and situations at the edge of breakthrough (Spirit of Pisgah – almost there, but never there) – Deut 7:1-26. God expect us to deal with these nations.
- Pray against the spirit of failure at the edge of breakthrough (near success syndrome).
- Repeat: Let the angels of the living God roll away every stone blocking my spiritual, financial and physical breakthroughs in the name of Jesus Christ.
- I remove my name from the book of seers of goodness without manifestations in Jesus name.
- Deut 7:14 – Pray against every form of barrenness, spiritual (not bearing any fruits of the spirit or soul winning), financial – (working like an elephant and eating like a grasshopper).
1 Corinthians 16:9 – For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, but….
- Use the keys of the Kingdom and of David – Isaiah 45:1; 22:22; Matt 16:18-19; Rev 3:7-8 and command every door that has been closed against you to fling open in the name of Jesus Christ, doors of employment, rapid manifestation of miracles, business opportunities, marriage, academic success and all other great opportunities.
- Use the same keys (of the kingdom and of David) to close every cycle or season of failure at the edge of breakthrough, oppression, violence, rejection, disappointments etc.
7. Praying for the Nation – Isaiah 33:22; Hab 2:14
- Pray that the Lord will be our judge, law giver and our king.
- Challenge every law that opposes God in this nation by fire. Command them to bow to the LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST – Matt 16:18; 28:18; Isaiah 45:23; Phil. 2:10
- Pray that God will visit the president, vice president, cabinet members, departmental ministers, their deputies, provincial heads and MECs in the 9 provinces, those in the parliament and the judiciary with salvation.
- Pray that this nation will understand the purpose of God for her and that God will send leaders that will understand His purpose.
- Pray that the knowledge of God will begin to cover these offices as the water cover the sea.
- Ask the Lord to give the nation repentance (Acts 11: 18).
- Pray that the knowledge of the glory of God shall cover even as the waters cover the seas (Num 14:21).
- Pray that God will judge the satanic spiritual structures that have sustained politics and commerce in this continent and replace it with righteous one.
- Ask God to raise a territorial church in this nation
- Pray that denominational structures will give way to territorial structures.
- Ask God to give us (the church) in this nation a corporate kingdom vision that we will begin to see things through the eyes of God.
- Pray that the five-fold ministry will come into full manifestation in this region and equip the saints to affect the market place (Eph 4: 11-12).
- Pray over all the tribes of SA and release the people from evil destinies they have received from their fathers.
- Pray over the squatter camps, slums, shanty towns. Break the cycles of hopelessness. Command the power of slavery to be broken.
- Ask that the light of God’s glory will shine upon them. John 1: 5
- Prophetically break the demonic seals and satanic legislations in those locations that have tampered with God’s destiny for the people
- Pray that people in, for example, Diepsloot, Orange farm, Hillbrow, etc, will become familiar with the goodness of God.
- Pray God’s blessings over the SAPS and the Metro Police, for strength wisdom and skill concerning their work. Ask God to protect the officers.
- Ask that God will raise a Joshua generation that will “conquer” the land.
- Let God raise champions in all works of life that will slay the “giants” of the HIV/Aids virus, divorce, poverty, rape, idolatry, suicide, ancestral worship, etc.
- Nah 3: 4 (the alarm rate of divorce makes it appear as if marriages are for sale in SA) therefore pray like this:
- “I stand on the finished work of Calvary and I break the power of witchcraft over homes and marriages in SA”.
- Say: “I stand on the priesthood of Jesus and I receive a warrant of arrest from the throne of God to chain the mistress of witchcrafts, in the name of Jesus”.
- Ask God to show us His glory. Let Him reveal the beauty of Jesus to the church in this nation.
- Ask God to “rain righteousness” upon the nine provinces in SA.
- Prophesy over the nine provinces of SA and command the “prison doors” that limit people to open by fire.
- Col 4: 2-3. Ask the Lord to supernaturally open a door for the word in into communities and the hearts of men.
- Pray that the “door” to the city of Johannesburg will open to the gospel – opened through exceeding great miracles.
- Acts 12: 24 Let the word of God grow and multiply in Johannesburg.
- Bring a lamentation before the Lord and ask Him to confront the pervasion, idolatry, divorce, rape and poverty in with His mighty power.
8. Praying for Closer to Jesus Ministries
- Pray that CJM will indeed walk in the light of Jesus and have the light of life – John 8:10
- Pray that God will operate through CJM and use this ministry to bring Light to many in Cosmo City, Randburg and in this nation.
- Pray and ask the Lord to bring to pass, His word to us that He will use this ministry as a trumpet blower to the church.
- Matt 16:18 – Pray that the gates of hell will not prevail against CJM through all the unrighteous laws and decrees that are passed in this nation.
- Pray that we as Jesus’ ambassadors and members of CJM will truly point men to Jesus Christ and not to ourselves.
1 Corinthians 16:9 – For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, but….
- Ask God to open doors of soul winning, favor, healing and miracles, financial breakthroughs for CJM and the members
- Pray and ask God again to send more laborers into this ministry.
- Ask God to provide all that we need to build the place of worship in Cosmo City and also to help us to build. He said He will never leave us or forsake us.
9. Praying for Individual needs
- Bring the needs of the members of the church before the Lord – those who are not working. Ask the Lord to intervene in their situation.
10. Praying for ministries in Pakistan & India
- Ask God to bring revival to Pakistan and India through ministries like Bible Preaching ministries, Flag of Jesus Church Ministry in Pakistan.
- Pray for the Pastors and the servants that God is using there. Ask God to preserve, protect and provide for them. Bring a covering of the glory of God over them and their families.
- Pray and challenge the Hindu worship that is prevalent in India. Ask that the light of the gospel will shine in those areas of India and that men and women will be released to serve the living God.
- Pray particularly for Flag of Jesus Church Ministry in Pakistan. They are running an educational and school ministry. Pray for it to advance forward and that it will fulfill divine mandate.
- Pray for peace and revival in Pakistan.